Executive Education has the greatest benefits when the relevant content is tailored to the company's current situation, to the initiatives already started and to your management team's skills and capacities profile. During our Executive Education events we develop the skills that your managers require in the respective situation and can subsequently use and enhance.
In our workshops, business insight tours, learning journeys, etc. we build on best practices, case studies, experience exchanges, business simulations, scientific research results, and the experience and individual contributions of our top speakers.
Topics are, for example:
- Digital Transformation - Buildup digitalization knowledge, inspiration, check and sharpening as well as acceleration of transformation activities
- Operational excellence - efficiency, speed, supply chain
- Excellence in globalization - managing paradoxes, conflicts and contradictions
- Leadership in turbulent times - managing the crisis in the crisis
- Transition management for established companies - competitiveness, efficiency and organizational agility
- Innovation, agility and courage - sustainable profitable growth through innovation
- Excellence in co-opetition and business networking - strategic alliances, networks, outsourcing and joint ventures
- Merger integration - from the promise of added value to its successful realization