Here you find actual press reports about the IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation:
"Change requires humbleness, in: CIO April 2009, P. 14-21
If you want to change a company you need to be humble. Change management is not a one-man-show like the example of the Emirates-CIO Patrick Naef illustrates. “There is no manager who can remodel his company only by his own. Help from the outside is important if not obligatory!”
Like a script the article presents how Emirates Group IT performed the radical re-organization of the IT with the help of the IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation. Worth reading is especially why Patrick Naef, CIO of the airline Emirates, believes that help from the outside is essential for change management, which phases a change project ideally runs through and why unfortunately routines do not work. Also, IGI president Dr. Hubert Weber gives recommendations on change management including comments from Emirates-CIO Patrick Naef.
"The dormant potential", in: The IHK Magazine for Munich and Upper Bavaria, 03/2009, P. 16-18
Co-operations offer also small and medium sized enterprises new opportunities to push innovations and to strengthen their competitive position.
Alliances between corporations have already been common practise on the world markets for a long time. Still, especially small and medium sized enterprises have very high inhibitions to be open towards others. Hubert Weber, President and CEO of the IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation, however, is convinced that “alliances offer a great dormant potential for growth and for the enhancement of competitiveness”. Therefore, in a just published study regarding the success factors of alliances, co-operation and partnerships he calls for a rethinking of companies.
To the original article or to the IGI-study "Power, Trust and Ego in Alliance Management"
"Consultants look at the crisis as an opportunity", in Handelsblatt from 31.10.08, Nr. 212, B2
The financial crisis affected many customers of the consulting industry. To limit risks many companies depend on help from outside. “Now, there is the possibility to entice customers away from competitors”, states Dr. Hubert Weber, President and CEO of the IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation.
To the original article
"To re-invent the future”, in: The IHK Magazine for Munich and Upper Bavaria, 04/2008, P. 55
According to Hubert Weber und Petra Erhard, consultants for innovation, companies could achieve more if they use more intensively the potential of their employees.
"Well developed", in: Impulse, Das Unternehmermagazin, June 2006, P. 60-64
German companies are considered worldwide as champions in idea generation. However, regarding the successful market introduction there is a deficit in many cases. Studies prove that on average only six out of 100 ideas are successful. Therefore, to be creative alone is not sufficient. “Successful innovation management is amongst other things based on a flexible task force coordinating the whole process and as a nucleus interlinking innovation in the whole company”, reports consultant Weber.
To the original article
"Don’t talk but act!", in: WortFreunde Kommunikation GmbH 2006
"Words are zero when it comes to values" states Dr. Hubert Weber, President of the IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation in Munich. “Entrepreneurs should not talk about values but act as role models” if they want to generate an advantage for their company.
"To improve the company value with values" – panel discussion with Dr. Hubert Weber
"Do not talk but act”- 2. Südd. Kommunikations-Forum in Stuttgart (22. Feb. 2006).
To the original article
"Destructive commander model", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung from 1.12.2005, Nr. 277, P. 24
Petra Erhard, Vice President of the Munich based consulting company IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation, helps companies to be more open for innovation. In an interview she states the most important control levers.
To the original article
"Respect for innovators", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung from 1.12.2005, Nr. 277, P. 24
Excellent personnel for research departments is scarce / The lack of engineers becomes a serious problem for companies.
The consultants of Munich based IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation consider the lack of a corporate culture boosting innovation as well as the lack of precise processes and structures as the biggest obstacles to realise new ideas. “The worst are managers who do not provide their employees with some leeway as well as a corporate organisations where no one feels responsible for a subject”, states Petra Erhard, Vice President of the Institute..
To the original article
"Believing in grains of sand", in: brand eins Wirtschaftsmagazin, 7. Jahrgang Heft 09 November 2005, P. 77-80
How does innovation work? Looking more closely, talking with each other, trusting each other. A dialogue with the consultant Hubert Weber about the freedom to start.
"You do not get innovation for money” in: Handelsblatt from 21.10.2005, Nr. 204, P. 8
Many good ideas fall by the wayside in corporations. Managers of the administrator type thwart people.
Beside success factors that are too lax in individual projects, stagnant information sharing in large concerns slows down the efficiency of research. Although the innovation, thus the idea per se, is very important, the realisation of it is of vital importance. Thereby, beside hard facts, such as strategy, processes and methods, also soft facts like corporate culture play a major role. Hubert Weber, President and CEO of the IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation, sums up: flat hierarchy and space for development and creativity boost innovation. In contrast, a too distinctive segmentation of companies in sub-divisions does harm. “The segmentation prevents that individual employees have access to the necessary cross-departmental resources as well as that a sharing of knowledge and know-how takes place”, reports Weber.
To the original article
"Seduced by excel templates", in: Handelsblatt from 3.2.2003, Nr. 025, P. 8
Companies experience marketing breakdowns as they allow their controllers to make projections randomly.
A lot of managers trust their target figures which have little in common with reality blindly. The practical implementation is neglected in many cases. „We like a lot of security and many believe that this is achieved by figures”, warns Hubert Weber, President and CEO of the consulting company IGI Institute for Growth and Innovation in Munich. Weber mistrusts figures. “The problem is that you can justify and disprove everything with figures. Only if you test things you know what works.
To the original article