At the beginning of a project we develop a common understanding of the situation together with our client. The actual problems and causes are usually unclear at the start, obscured in a complex overall picture made up of numerous, partially overlapping individual topics and challenges.
Typical challenges are:
- “We are not sure, if we are on track with digital transformation and if we are fast and consequent enough”
- "Mistrust and politics dominate the company“
- “We digitalize processes and develop digital products, but we are not really changing the mind-set of our people, nor can we shift our company`s culture.”
- "Our growth is insufficient. We are facing extremely challenging growth targets"
- "Prices in our business are falling. The market is shrinking“
- "Our costs are too high and quality is bad“
- "Our added value as an internal service provider (IT, HR, etc.) is not recognized“
- "We need more innovation“
- "My team is NOT a team. We are not pulling together“
- "We have a great concept, and yet people are not getting behind it“
- "Our workload increases with projects being added to our daily business“
- "We have bought a company. How do we leverage the respective synergies?“
- "Our growth heavily depends on the cooperation with other companies, which is suboptimal“